Contributions by Emil Borgelin

Emil Borgelin has uploaded 1 images and written 1 reviews. Click on the images and reviews below to see the harbour pages.


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Utö Gästhamn


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Image uploaded on 3. Jul 2023


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Emil Borgelin says:


maritime qualities


Mooring towards a fixed quay, stern anchor recommended. Some longside mooring available upon reservation (increases cost). Avoid private piers (marked) and the public jetty used for passenger traffic (very frequently trafficked). Seabed is mostly clay/mud and grip is good. Don’t drop anchor too far out when busy as this will be tangled with others. The island is very accessible and you can do walks or rent bikes to visit the rest of the island. There are some remains from last century mining operations and also a military practice shooting range on the far side, not available to visitors.

1 x helpful | written on 3. Jul 2023